About The Open Door Montréal

The Open Door Montréal is a drop-in centre providing services to homeless and low-income people in downtown Montréal. The centre provides food and clothing, laundry services, shelter during the day, counseling, referrals to professional mental health and drug addiction counselors, and employment assistance. The Open Door Montréal also helps its clients obtain medical assistance, free prescription eyeglasses, haircuts, and assistance in coping with gambling, alcohol or substance abuse.
The Open Door has become a beacon of light and hope to many of its visitors. One-third of the homeless people who regularly attend The Open Door move off the street into a room, an apartment or a mission. Many clients develop a strong sense of community and belonging; they support and encourage each other, and often volunteer to help clean up “their” drop-in centre. Through their interaction with staff and volunteers, clients begin to feel that somebody really cares for them, and they find the dignity, friendship and hope they need to begin rebuilding their lives.
The shelter has implemented the use of Personal Protective Equipment and social distancing for all volunteers, full-time staff, and clients in keeping with public health guidelines. Its strict adherence to health and safety guidelines has allowed it to remain open throughout the entirety of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Open Door Montréal is conveniently located a five minute walk from McGill University’s downtown campus at 3535 Parc Avenue, between Milton and Sherbrooke. The center is open to visitors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
To find out more about The Open Door, please visit https://www.opendoortoday.org/.