Beyond volunteering at The Open Door, our club hosts several events for members throughout the academic year, including…
Volunteer Training Sessions: Once or twice a semester, we hold virtual training sessions to inform new members about how our club operates and integrate conversations about potential scenarios one may face while volunteering at the shelter.

Clothing Drives: As The Open Door is in constant demand for supplies, especially during the cold winter months, we regularly have clothing drives to encourage Montrealers to donate whatever they can contribute.

Guest Speakers: Whenever possible, we invite guest speakers to give presentations that educate and spark dialogue among our members about homelessness both within and outside of Montréal. Last semester, Sophie Hart shared their experience founding Mobilizing for Milton-Park: a student-led community solidarity project operating on unceded Kanien’kehá:ka land.

Social Events: Since our members only interact with a limited selection of students while volunteering, we host a variety of different social events to encourage everyone to get to know each other and foster a warm club atmosphere.
Check out our Facebook or Instagram page to find out about any events happening soon!